

BaseMetric class BaseMetric : Metric

A base implementation for measuring the fitness of solutions.

Case data class Case

A case in a data set.

CaseLoader interface CaseLoader

A component that can load a set of cases from some source.

CsvCaseLoader class CsvCaseLoader : CaseLoader

A CaseLoader that loads cases from a CSV file.

CsvCaseLoaderOptions data class CsvCaseLoaderOptions

Options to configure a CsvCaseLoader instance.

Feature data class Feature

A feature of some case in a data set.

FitnessFunctions object FitnessFunctions

A collection of standard fitness functions as metrics.

Metric interface Metric

Provides a way of measuring the fitness of a set of outputs.

ParsimonyAwareMetric class ParsimonyAwareMetric : Metric

Provides a way of measuring the fitness of a set of outputs with a penalty for parsimony pressure.

Type Aliases

Cases typealias Cases = List<Case>

A set of cases that a program will be trained on.

FitnessFunction typealias FitnessFunction = (Cases, Outputs) -> Double

A function that will evaluate the performance a program based on how close its outputs were to the cases given.

Outputs typealias Outputs = List<Double>

A set of outputs given by a program on a set of training cases.