/ ParsimonyAwareMetric


class ParsimonyAwareMetric : Metric

Provides a way of measuring the fitness of a set of outputs with a penalty for parsimony pressure.


<init> ParsimonyAwareMetric(name: String, function: FitnessFunction, parsimonyCoefficient: Double)

Provides a way of measuring the fitness of a set of outputs with a penalty for parsimony pressure.


function val function: FitnessFunction

A fitness function this metric encapsulates.

name val name: String

A name for this metric.

parsimonyCoefficient val parsimonyCoefficient: Double

A coefficient that is used to penalise solutions based on their length.


fitness fun fitness(cases: Cases, outputs: Outputs, programLength: Int): Double

Evaluates the fitness based on a set of cases and a set of outputs.