
Package kgp.tree


Constant class Constant : Terminal

A terminal node that represents a constant value.

Function abstract class Function : Node

A node that can perform some function on a set of arguments.

Input class Input : Terminal

A terminal node that represents a feature value.

Node interface Node

A node that makes up a program tree.

Nodes object Nodes

A collection of function nodes that are available by default.

Terminal abstract class Terminal : Node

A node that does not have any child nodes.

Tree class Tree

Represents a program as a tree of nodes.

TreeGenerationMode enum class TreeGenerationMode

Represents the different types of tree generation methods.

TreeGenerator class TreeGenerator

Generates Trees using a given function set and options.

TreeGeneratorOptions data class TreeGeneratorOptions

Options that control tree generation by a TreeGenerator.


ArityException class ArityException : Exception

Exception given when the number of arguments given to a function does not match its arity.

Type Aliases

Operation typealias Operation = (args: List<Double>) -> Double

An operation is really just a mapping of arguments to a value.