kgp.evolution / EvolutionOptions


data class EvolutionOptions

A collection of options available to configure evolution by the BaseModel.


<init> EvolutionOptions(populationSize: Int, generations: Int, tournamentSize: Int, crossoverRate: Double, subtreeMutationRate: Double, hoistMutationRate: Double, pointMutationRate: Double, pointReplacementRate: Double, numOffspring: Int, functionSet: List<Function>, treeGeneratorOptions: TreeGeneratorOptions, metric: Metric, stoppingThreshold: Double)

A collection of options available to configure evolution by the BaseModel.


crossoverRate val crossoverRate: Double

The probability that crossover will occur between two individuals in the population.

functionSet val functionSet: List<Function>

The functions that are available to programs.

generations val generations: Int

The number of generations to perform evolution for.

hoistMutationRate val hoistMutationRate: Double

The probability that an individual will undergo a hoist mutation.

metric val metric: Metric

A measure that can be used to evaluate individuals in the population.

numOffspring val numOffspring: Int

Number of individuals taken at each generation to have genetic operators applied to them.

pointMutationRate val pointMutationRate: Double

The probability that an individual will undergo a point mutation.

pointReplacementRate val pointReplacementRate: Double

The frequency with which points should be chosen for point mutation.

populationSize val populationSize: Int

The number of solutions the model can have at any time during evolution.

stoppingThreshold val stoppingThreshold: Double

A threshold that configures how good solutions should be before stopping.

subtreeMutationRate val subtreeMutationRate: Double

The probability that an individual will undergo a subtree mutation.

tournamentSize val tournamentSize: Int

The size of the tournaments performed by the TournamentSelection operator..

treeGeneratorOptions val treeGeneratorOptions: TreeGeneratorOptions

Options that configure tree generation.


toString fun toString(): String